Tarzan Elmo Lincoln
Tarzan Elmo Lincoln 2
Tarzan Gene Pollar
Tarzan P Dempsey Tabler
Tarzan James Pierce
Tarzan Frank Merrill
Tarzan Frank Merrill 2
Johnny Weissmuller Site
Tarzan Buster Crabbe
Tarzan Herman Brix
Tarzan Herman Brix 2
Tarzan Glenn Morris
Tarzan Lex Barker Site
Tarzan Gordon Scott Site
Tarzan Denny Miller
Tarzan Jock Mahoney
Tarzan Jock Mahoney 2
Tarzan Mike Henry
Tarzan Mike Henry 2
Tarzan Miles O'Keeffe
Tarzan Christopher Lambert
Tarzan Casper Van Dein
*Tarzan Kellan Lutz*
Tarzan Alexander Skarsgard
Tarzan TV: Ron Ely
Tarzan TV: Ron Ely "movies"
Tarzan TV: Joe Lara
Tarzan TV: Wolf Larson
Tarzan TV: Travis Fimmel
Tarzan Cartoons
Unauthorized Tarzans
Unauthorized Tarzans 2
Tarzan movie - TV lists
Tarzan of the Novels
Me Tarzan You Jane 1
Me Tarzan You Jane 2
Me Tarzan You Jane 3

Jock Mahoney jumped into the Klong River, the dirtiest river in the world, and caught tertiary malaria and amoebic dysentery.
He was deathly sick; he couldn't eat. His lungs filled up with fluid and he developed pneumonia while filming Tarzan's 3 Challenges.
Cast; Jock Mahoney (Tarzan), Woody Strode, Tsu Kobayashi, Earl Cameron, Jimmy Jamal, Salah Jamal, Anthony Chinn, Robert Hu, Christopher Carlos, Ricky Der.
Directed by Robert Day; Screenplay by Robert Day and Bernie Giler. PLOT: The spiritual leader of an oriental country is dying. The leader's evil brother
Khan is plotting to prevent Kashi, the youthful heir, from assuming his rightful position. Tarzan is summoned to protect Kashi and, in doing so, he must face
Khan in three tests of strength. The final test is a sword fight which takes place on a wide-mesh net stretched over cauldrons of boiling oil. Jeweled elephants
lead grand processions, and a thousand girls perform the "dance of the candles".